in my last post, I mentioned that irony would be profound we live with irony each and everydaybut it is taken up into a whole new levelsarcasm have made it difficult to tell between truth & lies if you are tired of being harassed by sarcastic comments during an argumentand told to repeat your faults even after apologizingi suggest that you write a letter of sarcasm to confront him or herExample:Dear Sir/Mr/Mrs/Ms. X,
I will start this letter by first stating that I rarely make it such a severe case unless otherwise, against an utterly absurd person, matter or subject, albeit I know that at current state your mind too, is preoccupied by anger. I much prefer to watch what I consider, at least in my opinion, more worthwhile programs rather than arguing with you. As stated previously, I do not usually write letters so therefore I have never written a letter in form of addressing such issues, but after enduring your rude, obnoxious, sarcastic and hateful behavior towards me, I made it a point to have write this letter.
It is here that I would like to tell you that it is apparently a fair game. Not either one of us are superior than the other(but that is what you think at least). If you have things that require me to do, then at least tell me. As I do not read minds and I am obviously not your other twin. It is ridiculous and preposterous for you to judge me that I am wrong when the fact is actually you were EXPECTING me to be smart, intelligent and observant. I also endorse awareness of mutual respect between couples. I also take an interest in other cultures and make it a point to stay current on global issues. In short, I tried to be everything a partner or soulmate would do, and should not be according to your highly prejudiced, myopic viewpoint. It would also be impossible to argue this with you in person, as it proved to be futile. This is why I am writing it through letter and even then you might just be raging as you read through because you think it is outrageous. Then your rationale is concealed by anger and it is ascertain that you breakup with me and never forgive. Oh, how could I resist such dominant & determined yet shallow effort of yours, as if I needed your forgiveness.
It is sarcastically funny when you try to convince to me to attend anger management classes when you, yourself did not show any virtues. If for instance, you were perfectly calm and was not shouting back words at me then you should be laughing instead as I would look like a angry illogical fool to you and so you wouldn't waste your time proving that you're right. I took what you say as a reminder with an ample grain of salt as portrayed during our argument that it may be a rather dubious representation of your true personality. With that said, I was nonetheless horrified and appalled at what I can only describe as vicious, callous, spiteful, arrogant, hateful, if not downright pathological behavior on your part. In fact, I am very confused as to why did I ever be with you in the first place. And so I recounted, it was your so called diligence and acting, to treat others like you did, demurely.
It is therefore my opinion that you, (insert name), are a fraud. It is my contention that you learned very little during your education. If you had, you would have discovered how interconnected we are with others as a species. You would have noted from your history lessons how elitists have abused the individuals they considered beneath them, as well as how kindly history now remembers those elitists. You might have gained some perspective on how utterly insignificant we are when compared to the vastness of the universe. You also might have learned humility and gratitude when you reflected on how very unlikely it is that we are even here. Finally, if you would have been paying attention at University or College, you would have felt a sense of responsibility to serve humankind as well as the environment.
The individuals you scorn have as much right to dignity as you, yet you completely demoralised me as well as the rest of the people captured by your wide brush strokes of generalisation. You apparently believe that people who do not live up to your standards are subhuman. That attitude, is a very dangerous one to have as we have seen what happens when one group of people dehumanise another group.
I am further saddened to see you teach your children the same bigoted ideals. Fortunately, not with me I have to say. You are preparing them to carry on your legacy of arrogance, childish, naive, immature, retarded, hot-tempered, intolerant, demanding and pompousness. This is doing a disservice to them as they will be handicapped in socialisation skills with their dispersed fellow humans as well as a healthy emotional development. I hope that these apples will fall far, far from your tree.
I care not that you insulted me as a person and that it was simply an accident of my birth. I care not that you insulted my entire life as a human being was again, simply an accident of birth. My skin is thick enough to dismiss your venom as the ideals of a bigot. Good luck on fulfilling your ambition as a lawyer/doctor/accountant/pilot/whore/gigolo, whatever.
I do not forgive you your horrendous behavior or your equally sickening morality. Although there is probably very little hope for you at this point, I recommend that now become a student of humanity. Perhaps then you will learn what it means to be human. Thank youQuote: LMF, 傲氣長存 lyrics唔好懶撚得戚 我駛撚睇你面色即係話你根本冇資格去評擊